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Guadalupe Carmona, Ph.D.

Executive Director
ConTex Office
The University of Texas System

Professor of STEM Education
Department of Interdisciplinary Learning and Teaching
The University of Texas at San Antonio

Dr. Guadalupe Carmona is Executive Director of ConTex, a joint initiative of the The University of Texas System and Mexico’s National Council of Humanities, Sciences and Technologies (Conahcyt) aimed at fostering bilateral research and academic collaborations between Texas and Mexico. She is also Professor of STEM Education at The University of Texas at San Antonio.

Dr. Carmona’s research agenda focuses on preparing the next generation of students to have access from an early age to the fundamental ideas in STEM and on broadening participation in STEM for all students. A native of Mexico, Dr. Carmona received a PhD in Mathematics Education from Purdue University, a MSc in Mathematics Education from CINVESTAV-Mexico, and a BSc in Mathematics from ITAM-Mexico. For more than 20 years, her research has focused on the design, implementation, and evaluation of innovation and technology-supported educational reforms in STEM education in national and international settings. She also conducts research on mathematics modeling activities for assessment of student learning, and has served as member of the advisory board for the Educational Testing Service’s Cognitively Based Assessment and for Learning (CBAL)-Mathematics.

Dr. Carmona has secured more than $30M in external funding. She is currently principal investigator for the UTSA P20 Pathways to Education Research Training Program, funded by the U.S. Institute for Education Sciences, and the international consortium Campus Viviente in STEM Education Project. She’s co-principal investigator of UTSA’s Center for Security and Privacy Enhanced Cloud Computing (C-SPECC), funded by the National Science Foundation.

Her scholarly work has been published and translated to different languages and has spanned countries including Mexico, the United States, Chile, Costa Rica, Saudi Arabia, Turkey, and Greece. Dr. Carmona’s work has directly impacted more than 20,000 students, 150 teachers, and dozens of researchers.